duminică, 22 iulie 2007

ador suprizele..placute

iubesc surprizele, le ador, in special cele de genu' .. te intorci din vacanta si gasesti in congelator casoleta de 2 kg de inghetata pe care ai cumparat-o inainte sa pleci in vacanta.. pt. ca al tau fratior nu sa sinchisit sa dea iama in ea, nu de alta, dar nu sa chinuit sa dezghete frigiderul...ticsit fiind cu gheata !!!ca daca ar fi facut un lucru pe cat de simplu pe atat de banal, ar fi observat si el ca troneaza o mare casoleta cu inghetata in congelatorul frigiderului.

E clar , se vede de la o posta, ca in familia mea , doar EU apreciaz inghetata la adevarata sa valoare!!..adika una magica..

Am uitat sa specific acolo la campu ala cu descrierea despre mua...ca IUBESC inghetata, o ador, as manca in fiecare secunda , in orice anotimp,,pacat cu gatu care mai face figuriii de Buftea cateodata ( si nu ,nu face figurii din cauza ca manac eu prea multa inghetata :P ), ca de nu....ihihi

Si iata o alta melodie adorabila, si care .....

Who needs love? - Razorlight

Oooh darling who needs love?
Who needs a heaven up above?
Who needs the clouds, in the sky, not I

Oooh darling who needs the rain?
Who needs somebody that can feel your pain?
Who needs the disappointment, of a telephone call, not I
No I don't need that at all, not I

I'm, tired of love
Yeah, sick of love
I've taken more than enough

Oooh darling who needs the night?
The sacred hours, the fading life
Who needs the morning, and the joy it brings, not I
I've got my mind on other things, not I

Oooh darling who needs joy?
Who needs a perfect girl or boy?
And who needs to draw, that person near, not I
Because they always disappear, not I

And you know, I'm, tired of love
Yeah I'm, sick of love
You give me more than enough

I'm gone!

Oooh darling who needs love?
Who needs a heaven up above?
Who needs all the arguments, who needs to be right, not I
But I just can't give up without a fight, not I
No I just can't give up without a fight, not I
No I just can't give up without a fight, not I
No no no not I
Ooh no no not I
No no no no no not I

Somnic pufos si racoros va doresc., daca puteti!!...ca pe mine ma ustura spatele de la prajeala numita bronz.. :D
.....da'dar frumuseata cere sacrifici..mai are cineva bronz ca al meu.??!?!!!...NU, nu mai are...ihihihihi

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